Sunday, March 20, 2011


On the 25th day of December, mother Mary gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Jesus Christ. From that day on we celebrated his birth yearly, every 25th of December. Christmas is a very special day for it is the day of our savior’s birth. It is the season where we never forget the love we have for Jesus.
Christmas means a time of happiness towards everyone. It’s the time to forget and forgive. It is a time when families and close friends come home from all around the world to be with the people they love. To most people, God and family comes first in their lives, so this is obviously a very favored holiday.
Christmas to me is a very special occasion, which includes spending time with family, decorating the entire house, inside and out, shopping, for the people I love and most specially, remembering and celebrating the birth of our truly beloved savior, Jesus Christ. Doing this with the people I love is what means the most to me. Spending Christmas with my family is very important to me. When its Christmas time, people exchange gifts and take it for granted afterwards. This holiday is usually associated with receiving gifts. Personally, I think giving a gift is just as great as receiving one. Most of the time giving can be even more enjoyable. The whole idea of finding that perfect gift, making someone smile, him or her realizing that you put that much thought into just one gift is just one way which Christmas brings happiness to everyone.
But one thing we should never forget as a Christian, during Christmas is that God humbled himself to come down one earth to live and in solidarity with the poor by choosing a poor yet a woman of faith in the person of Mary and a poor good man as his foster father in the person of Joseph. Only those who is in solidarity and uphold the dignity of the poor is truly celebrating Christmas. I just hope that each and every one would keep the spirit of Christmas and be always in their hearts the true meaning of it.

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