Sunday, March 20, 2011


Change is a very simple word yet very hard to define. It is easy to utter but very difficult to do and happen. Everybody needs to change. Everyone must change. The change must happen to you, I, in the society, in the nation, and most especially in our own world. We are now in the year 2011. New year, meaning new life. It’s a time for a new me, you, new society, nation and new world. We have to leave and throw our past personalities most especially those bad ones.
I, myself need to be changed. I have to change my unpleasant attitudes and personalities. I will change myself into a new me. I will leave and forget my bad attitudes. I will change my study habits; I will be more focus and concentrate more to my studies. I will offer my time to our Almighty God. I’ll ask His guidance so that I will be able to change my whole personality into a better and righteous one. Because with Him, there is a sense of completeness and fullness within me. Whatever it takes I know God will never leave me. My religious principles and faith in Him influences my personal behaviors, my attitudes towards others and my aspirations.
Our society has a problem. A problem that needs to be changed and be resolved. And this problem is lack of cooperation and unity among people because we have different vested interest. In a particular society, each and every one must cooperate. There must be unity towards everybody so that it will develop and become a progressive one.
Philippines, is now with its new president Mr. Benigno C. Aquino III. Our nation’s president was changed. I hope that together with the change of the government officials is the change on how they must be stopped and must be changed. It needs to end! Crimes and corruption are very rampant in our nation. It would destroy the image of our country. That’s why this term called Change must happen.
What’s wrong with our world now? Terrorism is all over the world. Crimes, killings, climate change and everything happen around the world. And who is the main root of these problems? Gosh, it’s us, all of us. We were trying to stop terrorism but we still got terrorists here and everywhere. We keep on destroying our own world. Because of this, we are experiencing climate change. We have to stop this and change our bad attitudes towards our nature to prevent climate change.
The world change must start deep inside us. We have to promote change for our own good. Change is for everyone. Not a change for the worst but change for the better!

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