Sunday, March 20, 2011


Have you ever dreamed of having a superhero? If so, who would you like it to be? Would it be Spiderman, Batman, Wonder woman, or Superman? They are just the usual fictitious superheroes that we sometimes think of. But how about a true person, an existing one, as your hero? Could it be possible? Obviously it is very possible. Anyone can be a hero. It might be someone who’s always with you for a very long time without noticing him or her as your hero.
Talking about heroes, I have a hero in my life. In fact, I have many heroes. They may not be as famous as Hollywood celebrities and they don’t have superpowers as what superheroes have but they can be considered as superheroes. How could one ever say only those cartoon characters, Superman, Darna, and the like considered superheroes? They’re just fictitious. There are lots of superheroes around us helping and serving us every day. And one of my considered hero is the ever patient, considerate and dedicated teachers at school. Maybe some students don’t think about them teachers as their hero, but for me, I greatly appreciate them as a hero. The teachers which we consider and treat as our second parents in school teach us to be good and responsible citizens someday. They are one of the instruments or rather the reason for every success of an individual. They share all their knowledge and experiences to everybody. They play a major role in one’s life. Despite their hardships and sacrifices in teaching some hard headed students, still they keep on smiling and do their best in giving us information about everything. They contributed a lot for everybody.
Having them is like winning a lotto game. That’s why we have to love, respect, cherish, and take good care of our dear teachers. I, you, we, all of us should thank our teachers. My teacher, my hero!

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