Sunday, March 20, 2011


Values! What comes up to your mind when you hear the word “values”? Well, as expected there are many definitions, explanations, and meanings of that specific word. It’s a characteristic of a person, how we deliver our own reactions and emotions, and how we interact with each other or the people that surrounds us. Each individual possesses unique and extraordinary values which makes them different from others and as a true person.
Let us focus our attention to the existing values nowadays. What happened to our values today? As we can see and observe to each and every one, there are such values which are changed, develop, and gain. We now have these two different values, the negative and the good one. The negative traits are the following: envy, anger, dishonesty, high tempered, boastful, lair and etc. On the other hand, we also have these good and pleasing values. These are the following: honesty, helpfulness, respect, loyalty, sincerity, faithfulness, cooperation and etc. Because of the things and the bad people that surround us, we are being influenced by them and it makes us an unpleasant person.
Our values now are deteriorating and it’s not good to have this. In order for us to stop having the deteriorating values, we have to avoid the bad things and persons that influence us. And the most important thing to do is to evaluate ourselves to the biblical taught by Jesus.

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