Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thank You Ma’am

Nowadays, people showing kindness to others are rarely seen. An individual who possesses these attitude are now very few. As years passed by, the place we are living changes. The people who are living in this changed world are greatly affected. Some of them undergo various changes. A lot of renewals are happening every day. But in this story, entitled Thank You Ma’am which is written by James Langston Hughes shows a different image of what is happening in the present. It goes like this, a boy named Roger was trying to steal a purse from a woman on the street who was Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. Unfortunately, the boy gets taken in by the woman. She shows some kindness towards the boy and she seemed to be very understanding to the incident that has happened instead of scolding and giving punishments to the said boy.
Mrs. Jones taught the boy a valuable lesson by taking him in and pampering him was the obvious theme of the story. This shows that even though Roger snatched her purse, she was still very kind to him and she even gave the boy some money in order to buy a blue suede shoes for himself. Mrs. Jones taught the boy in a unique way. She didn’t give him a solid way of punishments. She thought that doing this unique way would make Roger a better person. Roger on the other hand, was being trustworthy to Mrs. Jones knowing that she would not hurt him. He behaved himself at the house of the woman. By digging deeply into the true theme of the story, another theme can be found. And it is, as complicated as life is, there is not always someone to lean and depend on. Someone has to work for himself because there will be a time that you have to stand and live on your own. Some of us now are good in depending to others. They keep on asking what they need and what they want to someone. They don’t know how to provide their selves of their needs and wants. And this is not good to implement. We have to stop this foolishness.
The story may be a good choice to read for it presents an unusual way of teaching a boy between the right and wrong. But it is a bad example for Roger that you have to beg for things you do not have and want. It is truly not a good one. If you have to choose between the two, to steal or to beg, the second one is much better than the other. It makes me amazed of how the woman treats the boy and handles the situation. She just shows that one could possibly be changed by disciplining one in calm and not a harsh way. But it is still not bad to taught or discipline someone by using some punishments. One could learn from this. It will serve as a lesson for him or her. The woman’s attitude towards the situation surprised me a lot. Also to what Roger shows when he is inside the woman’s house. In the end, it still depends upon the person if he or she would do the right or bad one.
I haven’t experienced or faced this kind of situation in my own entire life. And I hope I could do the same thing as what Mrs. Jones did.

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